You wish you knew how to relieve stress quickly, but life taught you more self-neglect than true self-care. Sound familiar?
You can’t just talk yourself out of it
You tried changing your self-talk, but it never quite feels true. When anxiety hits, your heart races, your stomach sinks, and self-compassion feels a million miles away. That’s because some thinking skills literally go offline when your nervous system is activated.
You already know the effects of stress on your body, but feel stuck in self-neglect or powerless to change. You’re ready to listen to your body to relieve your stress, but are scared of what you might hear.
You’re looking for a guide to help you along the way.
What others are saying:
Carli is empathetic & supportive. She is great at helping you explore a variety of modalities to best suit your needs. She was instrumental in guiding me to meditation, yoga, & reiki to help me manage stress, burnout, & anxiety.
Carli has been instrumental in my journey of healing. She has this beautiful quality of making whoever she’s speaking with feel heard & valid. Carli has taught me to be kind to myself. I’m blessed to have crossed paths with her.
Carli is a kind, dedicated, & gifted therapist whom I had the privilege of working alongside 2 years. Carli has experience working with diverse populations & collaborating with interdisciplinary teams to help clients achieve their goals.

When your nervous system is balanced, you can move from self-neglect to self-care and from critic to self-compassion.
Somatics uses the mind body spirit connection to increase internal awareness, create a sense of wholeness, and heal through direct felt experience.
Mind body or somatic exercises help release stress because emotions need motion. Imagine:
You tried to hide or ignore your true emotions to avoid pain, conflict, or fear of judgment. Maybe this served you earlier to survive. But disconnecting from yourself became painful and you can’t go on like this. You feel ready to burst sometimes.
Overthinking your decisions or replaying your mistakes in your head created shame. The inner critic way of thinking seemed like it would make you better. But when you’re already exhausted beating yourself up, stress is too much. Starting in the body with compassion, we’ll give heavy emotions space to move through you, rather than staying stuck.
Reconnect with yourself
Mind Pause. Body Breathe. Spirit Reflect. You can:
It’s possible right now.